List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 1969 [1]
Fellow | Category | Field of Study |
Jorge Aceves | Natural Sciences | Molecular & Cellular Biology |
John M. Alexander | Natural Sciences | Chemistry |
Leni Alexander | Creative Arts | Music Composition |
Luis Raúl Almodóvar | Natural Sciences | Plant Sciences |
Stanford Anderson | Humanities | Architecture, Planning, & Design |
Richard Allen Askey | Natural Sciences | Mathematics |
Arthur Lee-Francis Askins | Humanities | Spanish & Portuguese Literature |
Anna Balakian | Humanities | French Literature |
Eric A. Barnard | Natural Sciences | Molecular & Cellular Biology |
Erik Barnouw | Creative Arts | General Nonfiction |
Scott Bartlett | Creative Arts | Film |
Damián Carlos Bayón | Fine Arts Research | |
Jose Carlos Becerra Ramos | Poetry | |
Elmer Lewis Becker | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Larry S. Bell | Fine Arts | |
Carlos Germán Belli de la Torre | Poetry | |
Michael Benedikt | Poetry | |
Sacvan Bercovitch | American Literature | |
Samuel Morris Berman | Physics | |
Joachim Birke | German & Scandinavian Literature | |
Edward Alan Bloom | English Literature | |
Jacob J. Blum | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Charles Kincaid Bockelman | Physics | |
Dwight Bolinger | Linguistics | |
Alfredo S. C. Bolsi | Earth Science | |
Marie Borroff | English Literature | |
Beverly Mary Boyd | Medieval Literature | |
Robert Browning Bradfield | Medicine & Health | |
Ralph Bray | Physics | |
Rubin Bressler | Medicine & Health | |
Roger Hamilton Brown | U.S. History | |
Stephen Douglas Burton | Creative Arts | Music Composition |
Carlos Salvador Carbonell | Organismic Biology & Ecology | |
Manuel Cardona | Physics | |
John Edward Casida | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Theodore Grant Castner | Physics | |
Joseph Cerny | Chemistry | |
Seymour Chatman | Literary Criticism | |
Daniel J. Christensen | Fine Arts | |
Alain Clément | U.S. History | |
Paul Joseph Cohen | Mathematics | |
Albert Spaulding Cook | Literary Criticism | |
John R. Coplans | Fine Arts Research | |
Gordon Alexander Craig | German & East European History | |
Richard Lincoln Crocker | Music Research | |
Lewis Perry Curtis | British History | |
Lawrence Frederick Dahl | Chemistry | |
Albert Damon | Anthropology & Cultural Studies | |
Arthur C. Danto | Philosophy | |
Howard Ted Davis | Chemistry | |
Victoria de la Jara | Anthropology & Cultural Studies | |
Walter De Maria | Fine Arts | |
Johannes Martenis Jacob de Wet | Plant Sciences | |
Kenneth M. Dolbeare | Political Science | |
Bernard F. Dukore | Theatre Arts | |
John Edmunds | Music Composition | |
Elliot W. Eisner | Education | |
Bernard F. Erlanger | Natural Sciences | Molecular & Cellular Biology |
Alejandro Feinstein | Natural Sciences | Astronomy--Astrophysics |
George R. Feiwel | Social Sciences | Economics |
Eliot Feld | Creative Arts | Choreography |
Herbert Ferber | Creative Arts | Fine Arts |
Henry Albert Fischel | Humanities | Near Eastern Studies |
Alfred G. Fischer | Natural Sciences | Earth Science |
Stanley Fish | Humanities | English Literature |
Robert Forster | Humanities | French History |
Irwin M. Freedberg | Natural Sciences | Medicine & Health |
William W. Freehling | Humanities | U.S. History |
Margit Frenk | Humanities | Spanish & Portuguese Literature |
Tom S. Fricano | Creative Arts | Fine Arts |
Sheldon Kay Friedlander | Natural Sciences | Engineering |
Edward Allan Frieman | Natural Sciences | Astronomy--Astrophysics |
Ivan Frisch | Natural Sciences | Applied Mathematics |
Alan Garen | Physics | |
William H. Gass | Fiction | |
Jaime F. George | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Robert Augustus Georges | Folklore & Popular Culture | |
Brian Albert Gerrish | Religion | |
Ivar Giaever | Physics | |
A. Bartlett Giamatti | English Literature | |
Margaret Brenman Gibson | Psychology | |
Diane Giguère | French Literature | |
Alberto Gironella | Fine Arts | |
Murray Glanzer | Psychology | |
Robert Gomer | Chemistry | |
Joseph Goto | Fine Arts | |
Ronald Gottesman | American Literature | |
Loren R. Graham | Russian History | |
Moltke Stefanus Gram | Philosophy | |
Ralph Greif | Applied Mathematics | |
Reinhold Grimm | German & Scandinavian Literature | |
Erich S. Gruen | Classics | |
Ricardo Gullón | Spanish & Portuguese Literature | |
John Hagan | Creative Arts | English Literature |
Walter S. H. Hamady | Fine Arts | |
William Lee Hansen | Education | |
Chauncey Hare | Creative Arts | Photography |
James Thomas Harrison | Poetry | |
Michael A. Harrison | Computer Science | |
Geoffrey H. Hartman | Literary Criticism | |
Eugene Helfand | Chemistry | |
Juan José Hernández | Fiction | |
William Mayo Hindle | Creative Arts | Film |
Marion E. Hodes | Medicine & Health | |
Donald R. Howard | Medieval Literature | |
Antonín Hruby | German & Scandinavian Literature | |
Chih-tsing Hsia | East Asian Studies | |
Stanley Edgar Hyman | Literary Criticism | |
Jorge Ibargüengoitia | Creative Arts | Fiction |
Will Insley | Creative Arts | Fine Arts |
David J. Jacob | Architecture, Planning, & Design | |
Fredric Ruff Jameson | French Literature | |
Richard C. Jeffrey | Philosophy | |
Daniel D. Joseph | Applied Mathematics | |
Richard Vincent Kadison | Mathematics | |
Ludwig W. Kahn | German & Scandinavian Literature | |
Thomas Kailath | Computer Science | |
Edward J. Kane | Economics | |
Simon Karlinsky | Slavic Literature | |
Gordon D. Kaufman | Religion | |
David Richard Kearns | Chemistry | |
Raymond K. Kent | African Studies | |
Larry Kevan | Chemistry | |
James Roger King | Organismic Biology & Ecology | |
Robert M. Kingdon | French History | |
James L. Kinsey | Chemistry | |
Arthur C. Kirsch | English Literature | |
Ulrich C. Knoepflmacher | English Literature | |
Arthur Kornberg | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Robert Alan Kraft | Religion | |
Harry Dieter Krause | Law | |
Irene S. Kubota | Creative Arts | Fine Arts |
David Charles Kubrin | Humanities | History of Science & Technology |
Hilda Kuper | Social Sciences | Anthropology & Cultural Studies |
Norma J. Lang | Plant Sciences | |
Robert Langbaum | Literary Criticism | |
Victor William Laurie | Chemistry | |
Richard S. Lazarus | Psychology | |
Miguel León-Portilla | Anthropology & Cultural Studies | |
Ilse Lehiste | Linguistics | |
Alfred Leslie | Fine Arts | |
Edmund Chi Chien Lin | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Roberto Juan Llaryora | Sociology | |
Gerhard Loewenberg | Political Science | |
Francis Donald Logan | Medieval History | |
Edwin London | Music Composition | |
Franklin A. Long | Chemistry | |
Murray Louis | Creative Arts | Choreography |
Danny Lyon | Creative Arts | Photography |
Robert Alan Maguire | Slavic Literature | |
Robert P. Mangold | Fine Arts | |
Ezio Marchi | Mathematics | |
Robert Mortimer Marsh | Sociology | |
Edward Andrew Maser | Fine Arts Research | |
Cormac McCarthy | Fiction | |
James McConica | British History | |
James R. McConkey | Fiction | |
Donald Bertram McIntyre | History of Science & Technology | |
Alan Parkhurst Merriam | Anthropology & Cultural Studies | |
James E. Miller | American Literature | |
Jerome R. Mintz | Folklore & Popular Culture | |
C. Bradley Moore | Chemistry | |
Ivan Morris | East Asian Studies | |
Robert E. Morris | Fine Arts | |
Frederick Mosteller | Statistics | |
Richard L. Myers | Creative Arts | Film |
Gary Baring Nash | Humanities | U.S. History |
Robert A. Nelson | Creative Arts | Film |
Richard E. Norris | Plant Sciences | |
Benedito José Nunes | Humanities | Latin American Literature |
John Opper | Creative Arts | Fine Arts |
Robert Andrew Parker | Fine Arts | |
José Perea-Sasiaín | Medicine & Health | |
Martin Lewis Perl | Physics | |
Richard Henry Popkin | Philosophy | |
Robert C. Postma | Fine Arts | |
John Webb Pratt | U.S. History | |
Jack Preiss | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Edward T. Price | Geography & Environmental Studies | |
Frank W. Putnam | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Theodore K. Rabb | British History | |
Douglas W. Rae | Political Science | |
Yvonne Rainer | Creative Arts | Choreography |
Peter H. Raven | Natural Sciences | Plant Sciences |
Albert E. Rees | Economics | |
Nicholas V. Riasanovsky | Russian History | |
W. Allyn Rickett | East Asian Studies | |
Philip Rieff | Sociology | |
Henry Schroder Robinson | Classics | |
John Mercel Robson | English Literature | |
Alfredo Rodriguez Arias | Theatre Arts | |
Thomas H. Rogers | Fiction | |
Alan Roper | English Literature | |
George Allan Russell | Music Composition | |
Bruce Martin Russett | Political Science | |
Alan Saret | Fine Arts | |
Edward Vale Sayre | Chemistry | |
John A. Schellman | Chemistry | |
Seymour O. Schlanger | Earth Science | |
Per Fredrik Scholander | Medicine & Health | |
A. C. Scott | Theatre Arts | |
Peter Dale Scott | Medieval Literature | |
L. E. Scriven | Engineering | |
George Andrew Seielstad | Astronomy--Astrophysics | |
Alfred Erich Senn | Russian History | |
Anne Sexton | Poetry | |
Patricia Cayo Sexton | Sociology | |
Norman S. Shiren | Physics | |
John Willard Shy | U.S. History | |
Frank Thomas Siebert | Anthropology & Cultural Studies | |
Anthony E. Siegman | Applied Mathematics | |
Rubens da Silva Santos | Earth Science | |
Art Sinsabaugh | Creative Arts | Photography |
Brian John Skinner | Earth Science | |
G. William Skinner | Anthropology & Cultural Studies | |
Gonzalo Sobejano | Spanish & Portuguese Literature | |
Harvey Sollberger | Music Composition | |
Gabor A. Somorjai | Chemistry | |
Frank J. Sorauf | Political Science | |
Patricia M. Spacks | English Literature | |
Clark C. Spence | U.S. History | |
John Arnott Spence | Plant Sciences | |
George Alexander Starr | English Literature | |
Gunther Siegmund Stent | Molecular & Cellular Biology | |
Fritz Stern | German & East European History | |
Joseph Eugene Stiglitz | Economics | |
Thomas H. Stix | Astronomy--Astrophysics | |
Henry Melson Stommel | Earth Science | |
Myron S. Stout | Fine Arts | |
Robert O. Swain | Creative Arts | Fine Arts |
James Herbert Swinehart | Natural Sciences | Chemistry |
G. Thomas Tanselle | Humanities | Bibliography |
Herbert S. Terrace | Social Sciences | Psychology |
Marcel Tetel | Humanities | French Literature |
Robert Edwards Thach | Natural Sciences | Chemistry |
Stephan Albert Thernstrom | Humanities | U.S. History |
Josiah D. Thompson | Humanities | Philosophy |
Alar Toomre | Natural Sciences | Astronomy--Astrophysics |
Donald T. Trautman | Social Sciences | Law |
Melvin Marvin Tumin | Social Sciences | Sociology |
Bastiaan Cornelis van Fraassen | Humanities | Philosophy |
George T. Walker | Creative Arts | Music Composition |
John M. Wallace | Humanities | English Literature |
John Henry Warkentin | Social Sciences | Geography & Environmental Studies |
Russell F. Weigley | Humanities | U.S. History |
Bernard Weiner | Social Sciences | Psychology |
Roy Weinstein | Natural Sciences | Physics |
Burton A. Weisbrod | Social Sciences | Economics |
Alexander Welsh | English Literature | |
Virgil Keeble Whitaker | Humanities | English Literature |
Robert Lee White | Natural Sciences | Physics |
Harry A. Wilmer | Social Sciences | Psychology |
Richard Saul Wurman | Humanities | Architecture, Planning, & Design |
Alfred Fabian Young | Humanities | U.S. History |
Oscar Yujnovsky | Humanities | Architecture, Planning, & Design |
Fredrik Zachariasen | Natural Sciences | Physics |
Luther Harmon Zeigler | Social Sciences | Education |